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Vegvisir Archipelago Race –Course Red


Check the updated Notice of Race 2017 here

After a spectacular start in the heart of Nykøbing - the main city in the municipality of Guldborgsund - Vegvisir Archipelago Race sends the sailors out through the winding sound of Guldborg on a Northeasterly course. They'll be heading towards the archipelago of Smålandshavet. But first they'll pass through the narrow gap between the islands of Falster and Lolland by the town of Guldborg. This happens as the bridge opens and lets the Vegvisir Archipelago Race participants loose to sail into the sunset on this midsummer's night. 

All boats will share Leg 1

The first leg of Vegvisir Archipelago Race is marked on the screen dump above as the white line.  After the bridge at Guldborg the participants will head out towards a Cardinal buoy East of the island of Femø. This part of the course is common for all boats on both courses. And it will also serve as the last common leg when the skippers and crew are heading home for Nykøbing. Both courses have a leg that goes offshore into the Baltic Sea. Exactly in which direction and what is to be rounded will depend on the weather forecast. But make it a part of your planning that the offshore leg will consist of a proper upwind part and a proper down wind part. 

The junction buoy

The Cardinal Buoy East of the island of Femø just mentioned before serves as a kind of “junction” for the race. That means that the strategically part of the race opens when the buoy is passed.  From this point skipper and crew will unfold their own strategy by choosing to go either clockwise or counter clockwise round the course. Among other things the strategic planning should include weather and current predictions for the following days and nights. But also calculations estimating when the most difficult passages will be passed in the best possible and most safe way.

So when it comes to choosing to go either clockwise or counter clockwise from the Cardinal Buoy a good many parameters must be taken into consideration. 

Course Red counter clockwise – a walkthrough

After the common leg 1 (white line on the map) the Cardinal Buoy must be passed. Now leg 2 starts (red line on the map) by make a circumnavigation with the island of Fejø on the port side, then head north close to Vejrø, now make a circumnavigation of the island of Agersø - with the island on starboard side. Go south, round Omø keep the island on starboard side. Then head west north of Langeland and south to enter Svendborgsund. After Svendborg go south into Øhavet and find your route into the Baltic Sea by the narrow channel between Ærø and Langeland. Another option is to avoid Øhavet and sail the longer way round the island of Ærø before entering the Baltic Sea. Leg 3 (yellow line) is in the Baltic Sea where a good long leg of offshore sailing awaits. It consist of a solid beating upwind and proper downwind sailing before heading back towards the archipelago of Smålandshavet. Leg 4 (purple line) goes again close the hidden rocks on the seabed north of the island of Vejrø. Then heading southeast to a circumnavigation of the island of Femø - the island must be on the port side.  

Finally you are back at the Cardinal buoy and ready to head back towards Guldborgsund (Leg 5 white). When you are approaching the bridge at Guldborg you'll contact the navigational watch by VHF Radio or mobilephone +45 5477 0017 approximately 10 minutes before you are at the bridge to make him open the bridge and let you into the sound of Guldborg. Once in you can start the final 10 nautical miles on Guldborgsund before reaching the finishing line in Nykøbing?

Course Red Clockwise

As leg 1 and 5 are common to all participants and as they are the obligatory staring and finishing leg they are not a part of the optional strategic part - only leg 2, 3 and 4 are. So if you choose to go round the course clockwise your course will consist of the legs in the following order 1 (white), 4 (purple), 3 (yellow), 2 (red) and 5 (white). 

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